Tag Archives: encouragement

Recovery is a process…

Recovery is not an event. It’s a process. I am one year free of self injury but I still consider myself to be in recovery. It’s okay. Have faith. Things do get better. You’re worth it!

Hope never stops

For several days now I have listened to my loved one struggle with the urge to SI. As a mother I have decided to try harder to understand and reach out to the resources i never knew existed. This is a very real issue that I have been involved in for several years now, periodically rearing it’s ugly head to remind us we’re not finished with the battle and we never give up!

“Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without the words, and never stops at all.” Emily Dickinson

Don’t be ashamed.

“Dont hide your scars, dont be ashamed, they are a constant reminder that you made it through. You are alive.

You can stop too

I am 53years old and started to self harm at 45 I have been clean (and I say clean because self harm is an addiction) for 4 years. It wasnt easy for me I could feel my arms hurting to self harm but I decided I hated the feeling of having to self harm to make myself feel good.It was always a rollercoaster ride and it became very tiring. You need to just stop,it really feels like cold turkey. Take 1 minute at a time and feel good about yourself that you are actually doing something positive for yourself.
Hurting your self is reallya moment thing it works at the time but then the feeling goes away.Yiu need to self harm to get back that feeling. Just stop and get help.This will help you to continue on your path to feel good about yourself.

Just stand up!

The heart is stronger than you think you can go through anything and even when you think you cant you’ll find away to still push on . Sometimes you wanna run away aint got the patience for the pain Im telling you things get better through whatever you fall just get up don’t give don’t you know you can go be your own mirical. You need to know if the mind keeps thinking you’ve had enough but the heart keeps telling you don’t give up… who are you to be question and wondering what ius what don’t give up… THROUGH IT ALL JUST STAND UP !


you deserve to be happy!!!!!!! it took me a really long time to finally look myself in the mirror and tell myself that i deserved more than razors and blood. and you also deserve more! no matter what anyone may have told you at any point you have the right to make yourself a happy and healthy life and one that youre proud of


Self-injury used to be a big part of my life. I used it to forget the world around me and I could be in control. I didn’t realize I was out of control till I couldn’t stop. Talking to people about has really help me cope and quit cutting. It took me 3 trys to make it through therapy. You can do it. I am two years free of self-injury. Breathing has become easier and life has become bearable. I know I have people around who love me and support me. Cutting is never the answer. Love is.

Never give up!

I started cutting when I was 11 years old. I attemted suiside for the first time when I was 12 years old. I woke up in a hosbital when I was 13 years old. That day changed my life. That was the day that I realized i didn’t want to die. All I wanted was a way out and with a little help I found if. Suiside if a permenent solution to a temporary problem. Don’t ever give up hope. You are not alone.

It’s okay

You are not alone. You are beautiful. Dont let anybody tell you you’re not. Cutting isnt worth it. Stay Strong. Stay Free. Stay Beautiful.

Stay Strong!

As a victim on SI, I’ve learned that at times I’m able to cope by taking every reason that’s eating at me, writing it on paper, and burning the paper. As silly as it sounds, it’s saved me on some of my worst nights. I’ve also passed this onto a girl at school who’s scars I noticed.. she called me one night because I saved her life with giving her something better to do than harm herself.

As much as it seems like things don’t get better, they truly do. Maybe not tomorrow, but one day.. and that day will be worth everything you’ve gone through.

Keep your heads up, and stay strong.