Tag Archives: encouragement

don’t think you can stop? THINK AGAIN!!!

… one day i relized it got very serious and told my best friend. she talked to me and tried to help. at first i thought she hated me for it. i learned she was just worried. she got me to tell a youth leader and then i eventaully told my parents. it was the scariest part! they were very understanding. i know that can be a scary part but it turned out to be the easiest! they talked to me and i was put in counciling. my counciler was so kind and understanding it was amazing. due to these steps, today on july 13th 2012 it has been 88 days since i last cut. i urge all the time but am able to fight. i know it sound scary to tell a a friend or parent but it will help…. i am telling you that you can stop and you can do this. you are not alone….

I’m getting better…

I’m getting better. Having not cut for 3 months is a big deal for me. I do miss my razor sometimes but then I look at how misruble it made. How it made things worse. I’m not happy yet but I have to say I am not that depressed as I used to be. If you are a person reading this who SI’s, know it gets better. It takes time. It isn’t going to be easy, but stay strong. If I could do it you can too. Best of luck to everyone who wants and is getting better. I really wish all the best for you!!

Reaching out…

Stopping cutting isn’t easy but it’s definitely worth it. There’s so much great stuff that you miss out on when you’re keeping all your feelings inside. Reaching out was the best thing I ever did for myself.

We can overcome this together!

There is such a terrible stigma around self-injury, because so many people do not understand it – but I do, and there are a lot of us who do. You are not alone. I began engaging in self-injury when I was 15 years-old. I wanted to stop the emotional pain, and the physical pain was not only a distraction, but it provided me with immediate relief. However, the relief was only temporary and did not allow me to deal with my problems in an effective manner. I continued to harm myself for 9 more years as a way of coping, and finally got the help I needed years later. I am happy to say that I have not harmed myself in over 5 years, and can’t even imagine ever thinking of doing so again. There is always hope, for every single one of us, and we can overcome this together!

Think ahead…

Growing up I was a cutter but back then there was no name for it…I needed to cut to help me deal with the emotional pain that I could not handle. The physical pain was so much easier. I did it on and off for years and what made me stop was my children. When I got pregnant, the thought of my kids seeing my scars and asking me about them or worse yet, becoming like me scared me into stopping. It made me find another way of dealing with the pain. It was challenging at times but worth it. It is possible, there are ways. My kids are everything to me. When you find that something then hang on to it.

I remember

I remember what it was like, what it was like to self-harm. I remember what it was like to feel all alone. I remember what it was like to hate myself. I remember how said it was.

I remember it but I won’t ever go back. You can stop self-harm. You can stop and move on. Believe you can. I believe you can.

break the silence

Tell someone. You are not alone. Break the silence….it’s hard but you can do it. And, it can help to not do it alone!

Talking helps

OK so I its real tuff to tell ppl about ur si but it can actually help. I used to think no1 would get it…so I kept it a big secret..no one knew. I mean I wanted to tell ppl but was sooo scared. I eventually said “just do it!” And I did. You know what? It helped…and now I feel I have the support to beat this and stop si’ing so much.

Keep a safety box

i keep a little safety box in my room with a bunch of things I do can when I get an urge. Mine has pencils, crayons, paper, music, pens, a list of friends phone numbers, a stress ball, lotion, glue, glitter, and a ton of other crafts. Doing crafts really helps me a ton, so does drawing or writing. I think anyone could make their own box with their own stuff…you just have to find what works for you…but give it a try. It really helps me and gives me hope I will break this cycle.

urges can pass

I’ve been getting treatment for a while now and I can honestly say that although urges can come on pretty strong they dont last forever. eventually they pass. and when they do you realize you dont have to give in each time they come back.