Tag Archives: encouragement

what you are

you’re not crazy. thinking you think you are fearful. is what you are.
lets get rid of them, the voices in your head. together. forevermore you will be lovely.
outside is beautiful. inside is beautiful. all of you is simply perfect. perfectly perfect.
that’s what you are

Never Alone

There is always someoe out there trying to help. You just have to open yourself to realize that self harm is a problem, that you need help. You’re never alone.

Find someone…stay strong!

I found someone that I felt really and truly cared. That person helped me and continues to help me everyday encouraing me that Im wanted and needed in this world and that Im not useless like Ive come to believe. My friend has helped me to the point where I havent injured myself for a few months. Whenever I feel over the edge and want to hurt myself I call my friend and she talks me out of it. She talked me out of commiting suicide. Without her, I wouldnt be here today. Any advice I would give others would be to find someone to trust and talk to them. Tell them. Trust me, it helps. Stay strong.

Being in your shoes

self harm is something we can control…. have been in your shoes and its a war i still am fighting….I used to believe that i was alone. Its as if i were inside this black hole and i just kept falling deeper and deeper… I realized that there is people who care and want the best for you. It hurts them to see you like that. My point is , you are not alone. No one is. No matter how cold and horrible this world might seem there will always be that spark of sunshine. Things do get better & the urges do stop. But we are the ones in control, we decide. I myself havent fully recovered but im trying, there is people around you that understand and want to help. These are words from someone who has been in your shoes and is still fighting this war.

never give in…

Never give in to the darkness and the addiction of cutting. You are stronger than you think. You will get better and you can-will- stop.

your tomorrow

i know everyone is told that life gets better, but really think about that. in ten years, none of this will matter. you’ll be so strong. so strong. even in two years, you’ll be okay. promises are made to be broken, so i swear to you, you’ll wake up one day and feel the weight of the world slowly but surely lifting off of you. you’ll be okay. maybe not now, but your “tomorrow” will come.

life is beautiful

I used to self injur it started when I was 15 and went through a traumatic event. It didn’t stop until I was 18 but not before I tried to take my own life. I was always so depressed and never felt like anyone understood me or what I was going through. I got married and was so affraid to tell my husband about it but he saw the scars and I finally explained it to him. He stood by me and he has kept me strong. We have a beautiful 7 month old daughter and I get so scared sometimes because i know someday she will see my scars and ask me where they came from. I wish I knew what to say, I trust God will give me the right words. Life is beautiful and your body is sacred. Don’t ever feel like your alone because I PROMISE you your not.

it does get better

Is it hard to believe that music can save a life? It did for me. “Carolyn” from Black Veil Brides saved me. It stopped me from self harming. If you’re out there cutting yourself,it does get better. Listen to music,block out the messed up society. “You’re not alone,we’ll brave this storm. And face today,you’re not alone”-Black Veil Brides

You can overcome SI

Like many who have recovered, I still think about SI. Sometimes I even have urges. But every time I do I am reminded of why I don’t SI now. You are strong. You can over come this! These messages only confirm this.