All posts by SPLewis79

you CAN get through this!

Make a pact with a close friend or family member, someone you trust. Because you hurt them when you hurt yourself. I know it doesn’t always seem like anyone cares about you. But I do, even though I don’t know you, I care, and I do not want to see you hurt yourself. You CAN get through this. I know you can.

you’ve made it through

Look down at your scars and smile, because you’ve just made it through the hardest time. And you’re alive, I’m glad.

you can always begin again

When you’re at the lowest point in your life, and you feel like you cant go on anymore, reach out for help. After being down for many years I finally reached out for help, I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder. After hospitalization, therapy, and medicine I can honestly say I would not be a live if I wouldn’t have asked for help. Its never too late to ask for help, as long as you are willing to receive it. As Buddha once said, “No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again.”

don’t let the storm win

“When life comes at you like a storm and you think all hope is lost, do not let the waves keep you down. Though it may feel like you will drown, I am waiting for you to resurface that I might take you home.” — We are caught up in a storm and are being thrown around by the waves. We feel like we will drown at any moment. But…someone is ALWAYS there to help. There is someone out there that wants to help and there is someone out there going through the same things as you. You may feel alone, but there is always someone there to take your hand and pull you out of the water. You may not be out of the storm, but you will be in a boat with someone who will ride the waves with you, and never let go of your hand. You are not alone. Don’t give up. Do not let the storm win. Stay strong.

what you are

you’re not crazy. thinking you think you are fearful. is what you are.
lets get rid of them, the voices in your head. together. forevermore you will be lovely.
outside is beautiful. inside is beautiful. all of you is simply perfect. perfectly perfect.
that’s what you are

Never Alone

There is always someoe out there trying to help. You just have to open yourself to realize that self harm is a problem, that you need help. You’re never alone.

Find someone…stay strong!

I found someone that I felt really and truly cared. That person helped me and continues to help me everyday encouraing me that Im wanted and needed in this world and that Im not useless like Ive come to believe. My friend has helped me to the point where I havent injured myself for a few months. Whenever I feel over the edge and want to hurt myself I call my friend and she talks me out of it. She talked me out of commiting suicide. Without her, I wouldnt be here today. Any advice I would give others would be to find someone to trust and talk to them. Tell them. Trust me, it helps. Stay strong.

Being in your shoes

self harm is something we can control…. have been in your shoes and its a war i still am fighting….I used to believe that i was alone. Its as if i were inside this black hole and i just kept falling deeper and deeper… I realized that there is people who care and want the best for you. It hurts them to see you like that. My point is , you are not alone. No one is. No matter how cold and horrible this world might seem there will always be that spark of sunshine. Things do get better & the urges do stop. But we are the ones in control, we decide. I myself havent fully recovered but im trying, there is people around you that understand and want to help. These are words from someone who has been in your shoes and is still fighting this war.

It doesn’t control me.

I’m 16 now and i’ve been 2 months free of self-harm. I started when I was 10 because I was being bullied, my family life wasn’t the greatest, and I never had any friends. I started cutting to cope with all my overwhelming emotions. And i’ve been cutting ever since. Until 11th grade when I finally told my wonderful teacher about my self-harm, and she told my parents. She always answered my questions, supported me, and really encouraged me to get better. I don’t think I could have done it without her support. It’s been really hard to stop cutting, the need was (and still is) there in the back of my mind, but now I control it; it doesn’t control me. Thanks to the help of my supportive family, my teacher, my therapist, and friends, i’m going into 12th grade self-harm free….Now, after everything, I never want to go back to self-injuring. Ever.