Tag Archives: Recovery

don’t isolate yourself…

I have not injured myself in 3 weeks and I am proud to say I have rarely thought about it. Yes I have thought about it, but I believe that the fact that I have not acted on it is great. I have been trying to recover for months now, and the longest I have gone without self-harming was 2 months. Something that has really helped me accomplish 3 weeks is my friends. Recently I have been hanging out with them often and that helps because it takes my mind off of it and they make me happy. So don’t isolate yourself, because I used to do that and honestly it just made it worse.

You are stronger!

This is a peronal quote that I have created, during recovery after relapsing. “Everytime you slip, just know that you are stronger than you were before, we all make mistakes, they don’t mean that our progress has been lost, it means we can learn from them and move on”

Recover IS possible…

I hope and pray that someone reads this and knows that recovery is possible and happiness through recovery will meet you someday. Life is a blessing to me and I’m only 21. Imagine what I have yet to accomplish in my many years to come. I am grateful.

YOU can do it!

Stay strong! It’s easier to say it than do it. But I know YOU can do it. I never thought I could. But I’m a lot stronger than what I thought I could be. I used to cut. I haven’t cut for six months now and I feel a lot better.

I’m getting better

I had a really bad time period from about 7th grade to 9th grade. I had just moved to a new school and everyone thought I was odd. I had family problems going on and it just wasn’t a good time for me. I wanted to be normal. A girl on my bus did it and I thought “how much worse could it get”? I still do that. But now I know there is nothing wrong with me. I am strong. I have people love me. I think everyone should know that. There is always someone who loves you. I’m getting better. Clean for three months and for once in a long time I’m happy.

Stay Strong!!

I used to suffer from depression and self harm because I felt like I was all alone in this world that would never understand me. And to be honest, my family and friends didn’t get me at all and for the most part still don’t. But then I discovered reading… Not teenage dramas or romance novels but actual classic literature. Authors really open themselves up in their novels, and you realize all those thoughts and feelings that you thought no one else had are right before your eyes. And you realize you’re not alone after all.
If you struggle with self harm or depression, try reading. It may sounds stupid at first, but just try it. 🙂 It saved my life, and it may help you too.
I love you all and stay strong.

Stand up!

I haven’t cut in about a Month now, I know it’s not that long, But It’ll be a long time. Black Veil Brides saved my life with their Music, they might save yours! Throw away the Razor… “Stand up for what You Believe in, Even if that means standing Alone.”~Black Veil Brides.


I’m not going to say I will never cut or do drugs again or say that I don’t have cravings anymore but I haven’t cut or done drugs in almost two years now. I am clean and I wouldn’t miss this life I have for anything. I hope this was somewhat inspiring. I hope and pray that someone reads this and knows that recovery is possible and happiness through recovery will meet you someday. Life is a blessing to me and I’m only 21. Imagine what I have yet to accomplish in my many years to come. I am grateful.

Find someone…stay strong!

I found someone that I felt really and truly cared. That person helped me and continues to help me everyday encouraing me that Im wanted and needed in this world and that Im not useless like Ive come to believe. My friend has helped me to the point where I havent injured myself for a few months. Whenever I feel over the edge and want to hurt myself I call my friend and she talks me out of it. She talked me out of commiting suicide. Without her, I wouldnt be here today. Any advice I would give others would be to find someone to trust and talk to them. Tell them. Trust me, it helps. Stay strong.

Being in your shoes

self harm is something we can control…. have been in your shoes and its a war i still am fighting….I used to believe that i was alone. Its as if i were inside this black hole and i just kept falling deeper and deeper… I realized that there is people who care and want the best for you. It hurts them to see you like that. My point is , you are not alone. No one is. No matter how cold and horrible this world might seem there will always be that spark of sunshine. Things do get better & the urges do stop. But we are the ones in control, we decide. I myself havent fully recovered but im trying, there is people around you that understand and want to help. These are words from someone who has been in your shoes and is still fighting this war.